Raewyn. 2024. Sociology for a decolonized world. Pp. 27-43 in Eric Macé, ed., An
Invitation to Non-Hegemonic World Sociology. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield.
Rodney D.
Coates, Anwubiko
Agozino, Gurminder K.
Bhambra, Ali Meghji, Julian Go, José
Itzigsohn, Raewyn
Connell, Sari Hanafi.
2024. Decolonizing
Sociology: In Pursuit of Truth, Healing, Reparations, and Restructuring. Chapter
4, pp. 73-102 in Corey Dolgon, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Sociology for
Social Justice, Oxford University
And for an account of Raewyn as a sociologist, from go to
whoa, in response to three questions from the Kohli Foundation: How did you get into
Sociology? What makes
you sociologically curious? What challenges does
sociology face as a science?
Here are my answers: