The American Sociological Association has kindly made me the
recipient of the Jessie Bernard Award for 2017. This award, established about forty years ago, recognizes "work
that has enlarged the horizons of the discipline of sociology to encompass
fully the role of women in society."
The award is named after Jessie Bernard (1903-1996). Jessie was one of the founders of the Society for the Study of Social Problems in
the 1950s. In the 1960s and 1970s
she became an amazingly productive contributor to feminist sociology,
continuing her activism, research and mentoring long after retirement. A model for us all!
For an evocative account of her life and work, written by Patricia Yancey
Martin, see:
I will be travelling to the annual meeting of the ASA in Montréal in August
2017, and hope to meet many colleagues, students and fellow-conspirators